Tracy’s 200

TRACY’S 200.

Latest news from Kenya and Tracy but first her story!

Tracy Monica Ochieng is a young teenage girl from Mathare in Nairobi.  We first met Tracy at a concert that the boys and girls put on for the Mountains of the Moon Team from Australia.  This was 2011 and Tracy had just completed primary school and gave an amazing speech of welcome to our team.  Tracy and many others were sponsored by the Orphan Rescue Kits that were raised by PDG Fred Loneragan in his year as District Governor for District 9700.

Mathare Tracy Speaks








Tracy Monica above gives her inspirational speech

Here is a copy of her hand written notes:

Mathare Speech

The Mountains of the Moon team included Past District Governor Fred Loneragan and we decided to sponsor Tracy to secondary school.  So in 2012 Tracy was accepted by the Bishop Okoth’s Secondary School for Girls in Kisumu.  Kisumu is on the shores of Lake Victoria and a long way from her home in Nairobi.

Tracy has graduated with high marks from High School and we are now sponsoring Tracy into the United States International University.  Tracy will graduate in another two years with her Bachelor of Journalism Degree.  Then Tracy aims to go back to Mathare to start her Foundation; Tracy’s 200.

Tracy 3rd temr Report 2013











Below: Tracy before classes recently:













In March 2019 Tracy came to Australia as a key note speaker to our Rotary District Conference. This amazing young lady wowed here audience. It was inspirational and this was and event not to be missed.