RFFA CEO Marion Bunch at Nairobi Rotary Club

Marion Bunch CEO RFFA in Nairobi

Rotarian Marion Bunch (left) accompanied by President Ashok, Presient Nairobi Rotary Club in Kenya, Marion is the Founder and CEO of the Rotarians for Fighting AIDS Action Group. She spoke on the launch of the  Partnerships for an HIV-Free Generation’. This a Partner between Rotary and various organisations, which are raising funds to battle the AIDS scourge, which has savaged many communities around Kenya and indeed the world. Rtn. Bunch has the hope that AIDS will one day be wiped out, thanks to such partnerships. She stressed the need for proper education among Women and the youth so that they make the right choices as far as HIV & AIDS is concerned. Too many people are getting infected with HIV due to sheer ignorance. To this end, we should all join in and help attain this noble goal of wiping out AIDS.

RC of Nairbi Club Bulletin here:


Marion Bunch Addressing Rotarians in Nairobi

Rotarians and guests listen to Rtn. Bunch as she explains what
Partnerships for HIV-Free Generation, is all about.