Rotary District 9700 Honoured by RFFA’s Marion Bunch

Marion Bunch in Bathurst
Marion Bunch in Bathurst New South Wales.

Last weekend Rotary International’s District 9700 was honoured by the CEO of RFFA our Rotarian Action Group, Rotarians For Fighting AIDS.  Marion was invited to talk at our district conference, held in Bathurst on the 20th and 21st March, by our District Governor Irene Jones and her husband Terry.  Thank you Irene.

Marion presented our Past District Governor Fred Loneragan with a beautiful inscribed plaque recognising the wonderful effort that the Rotarians in D9700 supported the ORK during 2008/09.  Fred adopted RFFA’s Orphan Rescue Kit as his international project for his year as District Governor and raised US$68,000.  To see how the money is being spent read the story following this one below.

Marion’s talk was inspirational and highly motivational, delivered from the heart, the delegates were inspired by Marion, some to take direct action by joining RFFA on the spot.  Marion also showed a short video of Reagan Omondi our 12 year old correspondent from Nairobi.  You can follow Reagan’s story here:


Here are some photos of the conference and Marion’s presentation.  {Click on the the thumb nail and then click again on the photo for a larger image.]

Photos by our good friend, Past District Governor John Egan, thanks John.